Third parties we use

This page details a list of third parties GhostTube may use for managing or processing personal information. By default, we don't collect any personally identifiable information from our user's devices. All videos and recordings are stored locally on your device, and we can't remotely view any of your recordings. Read more about personal information we collect.

However, there are some additional features users may choose to use which will require personal information being collected and shared, see below:


Feature and purpose Third party name and contact info Primary countries used for storage Information shared or collected and retention period Opting out

GhostTube Explore community

If you create an account and use our community feature to share content, this will require us to collect and share some personal information. In addition we request to use tracking permissions to serve personalized ads. 



Data Protection
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View
CA 94043
United States of America

United States of America

Email address, nickname, any user generated content that you choose to share to the community, and device identifier.

Information is kept until you choose to delete the content you share, or you choose to delete your account. In addition, device identifier is deleted if you choose to disable app tracking on your device.

Information is only shared if you choose to create an account and use our social media community to share content,. Device identifier is only collected if you allow app tracking.

If you don't create an account, share content, or allow app tracking, then this personal information is not collected or shared.

Online contact form

If you use our online contact form to contact us for support, then we will require some personal information from you to assist and respond to your query, and use a third party to respond to you via email.


Data Protection
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View
CA 94043
United States of America


Chief Privacy Officer
151 O’Connor Street
Ground floor,
Ottawa, ON K2P 2L8

United States of America

Name and email address.

Support emails are stored for up to 3 years so we can provide you adequate support and for training purposes, and to meet legal requirements

We may also share email communications to Shopify in the event we receive a shipping or billing dispute for physical goods purchased on our website.

This information is only collected if you use our online contact form to contact us. If you don't use this form, then this information is not collected or shared.

Furthermore, we only share emails with Shopify in the event of a billing or shipping dispute for physical goods purchase on our site. If you don't make any disputes then we won't be required to share any emails with Shopify.

Online purchases 

If you choose to make purchases on our website for physical or digital goods, then we will need to collect and share some personal information to facilitate payment and delivery of goods, as well as to comply with tax regulations and as proof of purchase.



Chief Privacy Officer
151 O’Connor Street
Ground floor,
Ottawa, ON K2P 2L8

Canada, United States of America

Name, address, credit card and payment information, phone number.

This information is kept as required to comply with numerous tax and other regulations.

Information is only shared if you purchase products from our website or within our app.

If you don't purchase products from our website or app, then your information won't be collected or shared.

Delivery of goods

If you purchase goods in our app or on our website that require delivery, then we may collect and share your personal information to facilitate delivery of goods to you.


Contact Amazon here.


Attn: Data Protection Officer
11025 Westlake Dr
Charlotte, NC 28273
United States


Australia, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Spain

Name, address, phone number.

This information is kept as required to comply with numerous tax and other regulations, and as proof of delivery.

Information is only shared if you purchase products from our website or app that require shipping, namely GhostTube Lens headsets and other merchandise.

If you don't purchase products that require shipping, then your information won't be collected or shared with these third parties.

VAT/TAX compliance

If you purchase goods on our website and you reside in the UK or EU, then we are required to retain some information about you and your purchase to comply with local tax regulations.

HelloTax Global

Contact HelloTax here.




Email address, address and purchase information

This information is kept as required to comply with numerous tax and other regulations.

Information is only shared if you purchase products from our website or app that are shipped, and only if you are located in the UK or EU.

If you don't purchase products through our app or website, or you're not located in the UK or EU, then your information won't be collected or shared with this third party.


Method of transfer

All information shared with third parties are securely transferred using encrypted HTTPS connections


Still need help?

Check out our privacy policy for more information about information we collect and how we use it. If you have any feedback or questions about Privacy you can contact us here.