GhostTube SEER Bundle Subscription Announcement
What's happening?
In line with our commitment to provide the widest range of affordable equipment and tools for use on paranormal investigations, we're excited to announce that effective 1 October 2023 the GhostTube Bundle Subscription will include access to premium functionality in GhostTube SEER. This change will apply to all new bundle subscription purchases on or after 1 October 2023, and for all existing bundle subscription holders that have a subscription in SEER.
Changes to pricing
The Bundle subscription price will increase to reflect the added features and value included in the bundle subscription. Any existing bundle subscription holders may be notified by email about the price increase and will need to accept the price increase to be eligible, or risk losing access to their premium benefits once their subscription expires.
What if I already have both a bundle and SEER subscription?
We've rewarded existing bundle subscription holders by not immediately applying the price increase - if you have an existing bundle subscription and a subscription to SEER, your bundle won't be charged the new price until it is set to expire, which could be up to 12 months from now. You're only getting notified about the price increase now as a courtesy, but nothing will change for you until your bundle subscription renews. It does mean, however, that from October onwards you can safely cancel your GhostTube SEER subscription if you have one, as your bundle will now also include all the benefits it has to offer.
Can I opt out?
As always, all of our apps have a separate premium subscription to allow flexibility if you only want access to one or more GhostTube apps without committing to the full Bundle Subscription. All of them also provide core functionality for free, so you can use all of our apps without any subscription at all if you choose.
For existing bundle subscription holders, if you want to opt out of the new price changes, either cancel your subscription or simply don't accept the price increase when notified by Apple or Google. If you do not accept the price increase, your bundle subscription will simply end on its expiry date and will not renew. However, you will lose functionality to all GhostTube apps when it expires unless you have an individual subscription in each app.
Other questions?
Reach out to us using the contact form.