How to overlay GhostTube in videos?
GhostTube is an app designed specifically for paranormal investigators and enthusiasts, and it is revolutionizing the way content creators record their paranormal investigations. With the app, investigators can record videos, audio, and take pictures, all while simultaneously collecting data, such as magnetic fluctuations and the potential presence of EMF (Electro-magnetic fields). This allows for a comprehensive and streamlined approach, eliminating the need to switch between multiple devices. With GhostTube, content creators can produce high-quality and more organized content, providing a unique and engaging experience for their audience and capture more compelling evidence.
While GhostTube automatically overlays sensory readings and sound visualizers into videos recorded using GhostTube, more advanced content creators may want to overlay GhostTube's sensory readings into videos filmed on other cameras. this article explains how to do so in the most common video editing tools
Setting up GhostTube
Firstly, you need to make sure when recording your sessions with GhostTube that you have the camera disabled. There is a button in GhostTube's main screen that can turn the camera on or off. When the camera is turned off, GhostTube will record all overlays into blank (or black) video, which we will be using to overlay into other videos. Also, make sure your recording in portrait (not landscape).

Using Adobe Premiere Pro
- Import the GhostTube video (with the black background) into Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Place the GhostTube video on the top layer of the video timeline above any other video you will be overlaying on to.
- Align the audio tracks to make sure audio is synced across both the GhostTube video and the underlying video.
- Resize and reposition the GhostTube video to where you want it to appear. We recommend on the left hand side.
- Find the Ultra Key effect by navigating to Effects > Video Effects > Keying > Ultra Key. Grab the Ultra Key effect and drag it on to the GhostTube video.
- For the Ultra Key effect, select the Key Color setting and select the black color and it should remove the black background, leaving you with only the GhostTube overlays.

Using iMovie or Final Cut Pro
- Import the GhostTube video (with the black background) into iMovie or Final Cut Pro.
- Place the GhostTube video on the top layer of the video timeline above any other video you will be overlaying on to.
- Align the audio tracks to make sure audio is synced across both the GhostTube video and the underlying video.
- Resize and reposition the GhostTube video to where you want it to appear. We recommend on the left hand side.
- On the effects window, select Blend Mode to Screen. This removes the black background and leaves you with a nice, semi-transparent overlay.

Another option within Final Cut Pro is the Luma Keying effect. Find this effect in the effects browser and drag it onto the GhostTube video. You can play with the values in the effect's settings to remove the black background.

Other tools
By following the steps we outlined above, you can easily add GhostTube overlays to your videos using common video editing software. Even if you don't use Final Cut Pro, iMovie or the Adobe suite, you should still be able to achieve the same effect by either looking for the ability to apply a screen blend mode, an ultra key effect, or a luma key effect in the video editing software of your choosing. Just google who to find and apply these effects using your preferred video editing software.