Is GhostTube Real or Fake?
GhostTube is the worlds leading toolset for filming and documenting paranormal investigations and videos. It's used by prominent paranormal investigators and content creators around the world, and was designed by investigators active in the field to be used and enjoyed on real investigations.

A common misconception about paranormal tools is that they "detect ghosts". This is absolutely false. No tool available today has been able to demonstrate this scientifically, and at GhostTube we make no such claims about our tools. The afterlife is a theoretical concept that borders on the line of personal belief systems and spirituality. The very term "paranormal" is used because the phenomena reported by people is often unable to be explained or supported by the natural laws of science that are currently understood and accepted in the scientific community.
Instead, it's crucial to understand that the purpose of tools used on investigations is actually to detect, record and react to changes in the environment. Many in the paranormal field theorize that paranormal phenomena leave traces in our world in the form of fluctuations in electro-magnetic fields, drops in temperature, sound anomalies captured in video recordings and unknown sources of motion and movement. Although still only a theoretical concept, this is why investigators tend to use a range of tools during an investigation - to document and record these changes in the hopes that it might lead to a systematic pattern to confirm or disprove the existence of the afterlife. Some of the tools used by investigators include thermometers to document changes in temperature, voice recorders for capturing sound anomalies, infrared and depth cameras for capturing visual anomalies etc. Similarly, GhostTube leverages a range of different environmental sensors too, including magnetometers for measuring magnetic fields, accelerometers and gyroscopes for measuring motion, microphones, cameras and LiDAR sensors. We document all of the sensors used in each of our apps here.

Given the way in which paranormal tools work, the interpretation of any data gathered through any of these tools is going to be subjective based on how you're conducting your experiments. Not all results are necessarily going to be paranormal in nature - a drop in temperature captured on a thermometer, for example, could be explained by an open window, draft or air conditioning unit. Similarly, not every trigger on GhostTube is necessarily going to be unexplained either. It's up to the investigator to understand and consider how their tools work when interpreting results, and design their experiments in a way which allows them to distinguish results which can be explained (false positives) from those which can't. For tips on reviewing evidence, check out this article we published on reviewing evidence.
GhostTube is held in high regard in the paranormal community because we're transparent about how our tools work, we apply a skeptical approach to the paranormal ourselves, and we're also one of the very few paranormal tool developers out there that provide their tools for free without any upfront investment. You can generally use all of our apps core functionality for free without a subscription, which is why they're also great for beginners and experienced investigators alike.
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